Friday, 7 February 2014

The Little Blog Quilting Bee

So! It looks like I have signed up for my first quilting bee! All the hard work is being one by Lou at
The blog is for UK quilters who have never done a quilting bee before and who have blogs with less than 50 followers........which is me!

We have a lovely logo

which we need to make into a blog button too (hint hint). We are all hoping to share our tale via our little blogs, instagram and twitter.
We are each going to chose a block each month for the twelve of us to make.

So who are my fellow partners in crime? Well there's me and Lou for starters. Then we have (in no particular order):

and finally

Looks like we have an exciting year ahead!


  1. Looking forward to it!

    I think I've defeated the internet and made a button:

    1. Yay! I've grabbed it and added it to my sidebar with a link to the Flickr group like Nessa has donw

  2. Am looking forward to it too! Thanks for the button as well, I love a button :-)
